Indigenous People Groups
Collective Information There are various tribal groups spread throughout this area of Orissa as well as other places. Some of these groups include the Kolha, Bataudi, Santal, Saunti, and Bhuiyan. There are also groups that are considered PTVG (Particularly Vulnerable Tribal Groups), specifically the: Khadia, Mankaria, and Lodha. These groups are also renowned for wild honey collection, although for the Mankaria it is not a consistent practice. Instead the Mankaria people are more known for their craftsmanship with rope making. The Khadia, Mankaria, and Lodha have a common practice of NTFP (non timber forest products) . Ten years prior, their main source of livelihood was simply NTFP collection, however now they have had to start participating in wage labor and agriculture. The other tribal groups also practice agriculture and NTFP collection but this does not include gathering wild honey. The largest community are the Santal, a tribal group that can found in multiple Indian states, while the Manakaria are the smallest group with only 103 households remaining. The Specific numbers of the tribal groups are: Santhal (51,815), Kolha (42,209), Bhuyan (16, 291), Saunti (13, 396), Bathudi (22, 604), Khadia (4000), Lodha (758), and Mankidia (580). The communities estimate that they…
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